Service Opportunities for Youth

Safe Environment

Only adults 18 and older are required to get cleared through the diocesan program.  Background checks on minors will not be run.

Not Confirmed

Youth who have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation may serve as follows:

  1. Altar Server - 5th grade & older

  2. Choir

  3. Usher

  4. Greeter

With a Parent

Youth can serve in the following with a parent or sponsor:

  1. Art & Environment

  2. Home Visitation

  3. Donut Sunday / Cookie Saturday or SundayOnly adults 18 and older are required to get cleared through the diocesan program.  Background checks on minors will not be run.

Confirmed Youth

Teens who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation may serve as follows:

  1. Lector

  2. Eucharistic Minister - age 16 & older

Youth who have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation may serve as follows:

  1. Altar Server - 5th grade & older

  2. Choir

  3. Usher

  4. Greeter