Since children who have reached the use of reason are considered, for purposes of Christian initiation, to be adults (canon 852:1), their formation should follow the general pattern of the ordinary catechumenate (OCIA) as far as possible, with the appropriate adaptations permitted by the ritual. They should receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil, together with the older catechumens (non-baptized). Natural Statutes for the Catechumenate - paragraph 18
Our Lady of Angels offers formation for children over the age of six side by side with their regular program of Religious education.
Contact: Sheila Tullier
Phone: 469-467-9669
Email: [email protected]
In the sacraments of Christian initiation we are freed from the power of darkness and joined to Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. We receive the Spirit of filial adoption and are part of the entire people of God in the celebration of the memorial of the Lord’s death and resurrection.
Baptism incorporates us into Christ and forms us into God’s people. This first sacrament pardons all our sins, rescues us from the power of darkness, and brings us to the dignity of adopted children, a new creation through water and the Holy Spirit. Hence we are called and are indeed the Children of God. (Ad Gentes paragraph 14)
Contact: Jennifer Hardee
Phone: 469-467-9669
Contact: Deacon Coy Pierce
Email: [email protected]
We welcome your family on the joyous occasion of the celebration of this child! We look forward to the opportunity to assist you and your family in preparation for this sacramental event.
Checklist for parents and godparents:
Baptism Requirements
Infants and children up to the age of reason (typically age six) may be baptized at the parent's request. Parents and godparents are required by the Diocese of Dallas to attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to the baptism. Godparents who live in another parish may attend a Baptism Preparation Class in their home parish or at Our Lady of Angels. If you have attended a class elsewhere in the past 2-3 years you can request a letter from that church be sent to Our Lady of Angels verifying that you have attended the class.
Links & Documents:
For more information, classes, and dates.
Contact: Paula Chisolm, Baptism Coordinator
Phone: 469-467-9669
Email: [email protected]
Naming your child:
The Catholic tradition is to name a child after a Saint. Care should be taken that the candidate for Baptism receives a name having a Christian significance.
The proper color of clothing for Baptism is WHITE, a symbol of being clothed in Christ. The candidate for Baptism can wear white or ordinary clothing and at the appropriate time following the Baptism at the font, your child will be given a white baptismal bib that signifies the newness of the life the child now shares with Christ.
The candle presented at Baptism can become a beautiful remembrance for the person to carry through life. It can be an occasion for parents to tell a child about his/her baptism and can be lit at home during the celebration of special events. First Communion, or at Easter time. Our Lady of Angels provides a white candle for your child's baptism.