If you believe that you, or someone you know, is a victim of past or present abuse or sexual abuse, please notify law enforcement. In the event the abuse involves a minor, please also contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services through the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400 or www.txabusehotline.org. Finally, if the abuse involves a member of the clergy, a parish employee, or diocesan employee, please also notify the Diocese of Dallas Victims Assistance Coordinator, Barbara Landregan, at 214-379-2812 or [email protected].
Our Lady of Angels
1914 Ridgeview Dr Allen, TX 75013
Phone: (469) 467-9669
After Hours Priest Emergency Line: (972) 632-2443
Mass Times:
Sun. - 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm
Sat. Anticipatory 5 pm
Rosary: Mon. - Sat. - 8:10am
Daily Mass:
Mon. - Sat. - 8:30 am
Adoration - Friday 9 am-noon
Confessions - Sat. 3-4 pm
Office Hours:
Mon.-Thur. - 9 am to 5 pm
Fri. - 9 am to noon