OLA Parish Library

About the library

Adults have the opportunity to continue their formation in a number of ways.  The OLA Parish Library is one form of learning. You are welcome to stop by the 2nd floor of the Education and Formation Building to browse the Our Lady of Angels Parish Library during office hours Monday - Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday 9:00 am to noon.

Contact:  Jennifer Hardee
Phone:  469-467-9669
Email:  jhardee@ourladyofangels.com

  • Depending on what you are looking for, we suggest you check some of the other categories because some subjects could fit into more than one category.  For example: resources about Jesus could also be included under Trinity


    Bibles -  This category offers resources for research into various versions of the Bible issued over the past years.

    Catholic Identity - This category includes resources that help us understand what identifies our Faith denomination from others.  It is different from the Church Documents category in that it refers to what identifies us as being Catholic - in the world we know.

    Christian Life - This category offers resources on living out our beliefs during our Faith journey as Catholic Christians. (Also see Prayers, Meditations, Retreats) 

    Christmas - This category includes any resource focusing exclusively on Christmas.

    Church Documents -  This category offers any resource that has a document from the teaching role of the Church as its foundation.  In addition, it includes other official resources such as historical and parish leadership or ministry resources.  

    Church History -  This category offers resources on the history of the Catholic Church.


    Faith Formation / Catechesis

    Family & Parenting

    For Children

    Jesus - Although our Faith is rooted in Jesus, this category includes resources that specifically focus on Jesus' life - with emphasis on the aspect of him that is most relatable for us - His humanity.

    Mary, Mother of the Church - Works revolving around the role of Mary in the Catholic faith as the Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church.




    Pastoral Care -  The response of the community to the hurts, pains, and struggles of everyday life

    Pope Francis

    Popes: Writings/Life -  This category offers resources from the unique gifts of some of our popes such as poetry or tributes from the world they served.

    Pro-Family / Pro-Life

    Prayer, Meditations, Retreats  -  This category offers resources for personal spiritual growth. (Also see Christain Life.)

    Refernece Books  

    Rosary -  This category offers resources specifically related to the Rosary.

    Sacraments -  This category offers resources focused on one or more of our seven Sacraments

    Saints -  This category offers resources specifically related to the Saints

    Scripture - This category offers resources focused specifically on Scripture - both Old and New Testaments.

    Scriptural Prayer

    Social Justice

    Teens & Young Adults