BSA Troop 1914 Organization

"Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." 

Mark 10:14-15

BSA Troop 1914 Organization

Troop 1914 meets every Tuesday night on the first floor of the Education building at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church (OLA) from 7:00-8:30 pm.

The Troop is divided into patrols (groups of boys) by age. The patrols work together on rand, patrol activities, grub planning, and cooking at camp. The approach gets them ready for leadership experience right from the start - with an older scout guiding them through the experience until they are capable of doing it on their own.

The annual BSA registration fee is $75. The Troop dues are $20 annually with scouts fundraising additions funds from popcorn, wreath, or camp card sales, and troop yard sales to supplement paid dues. The Troop tries to be thrift and respectful of parent's pocketbooks.


Camping is a monthly event, leaving from OLA at 6:00 pm on Friday evenings and returning midday on Sunday.  Grub (food) planning is the Tuesday before a campout.  Attending the meeting before a campout will allow your child to be part of the patrol planning for the campouts.  

Everyone camping (including adults) contributes $15 to buy food for 3 meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.  Most campouts have no other fees.  

A sleeping bag, sleeping pad, mess kit (bowl, fork, spoon & knife), water bottle, rain gear, and flashlight (along with a bag of clothes and personal items) are all your child needs to come camp.  The Troop trailer has everything else required.

Parents are highly encouraged to camp with us - including interested mothers.  Our group is very open to utilizing female Assistant Scoutmasters.

Contact:  John Broadway, Scout Master
 Contact: Wesley Keller, Committee Chair

Scout Rank

The first 4 ranks are learning ranks and scout skill oriented. Details can be found at

The last 3 ranks allow the scout to give back to the next generation by mentoring younger scouts, teaching ​scout skills & working on merit badge requirements.

The ​Troop works on merit badges during some of the meetings and campouts which teach the scouts advancement for the last 3 ranks (Star, Life, and Eagle).


  • The focus on service to the community - giving something back.

  • Extremely caring and dedicated leaders.

  • It has to be fun or it won't happen.

  • Right from the first introduction, these boys took my son under their wing, just like he was their little brother.

  • To learn leadership skills and the responsibility of being part of a team.