“….discern what is the will of God.” Romans 12:3
The mission of the Parish Pastoral Council is to assist the Pastor as a consultative body and to prayerfully discern the priorities and goals of the community according to the Parish Mission and Vision Statements.
Council members assist the Pastor by understanding the needs of the parish community and formulating long and short-term goals of the parish into a Parish Pastoral Plan. These goals become focus areas for parish development and published as our Parish Pastoral Plan.
Eligible candidates for the Parish Pastoral Council will be Baptized and Confirmed Roman Catholics, registered active members of the parish, informed to the principles of Vatican II and faithful to the Church teachings. Terms of service are typically three years.
Contact: Dorothy Mott, Chair
Email: dorothydmott@outlook.net
“Each in the measure you receive.” 1 Kings 6: 38
The mission of the Finance Council is to commit to serving God and the members of our parish by providing business and financial counsel to the pastor in administering the financial affairs and physical assets of the parish.
Eligible candidates for the Parish Finance Council will be knowledgeable about financial management, accounting, general management or administration, banking, investment counseling, insurance, public relations, and be committed to the work of the Church. The average term for each member is two years. Members attend monthly meetings, plus some additional subcommittee work may be required.
Current members are Fr. Wade Bass, Susan Wynne, Kristin Nystrom (chair), Michael Arterberry, Craig Bernard, Shelly Rund, Jennifer Evans, Sharon Boyd, Huong Connolly, Steve Tickner, and Linh Nguyen.
CONTACT: Kristin Nystrom, Chair
Email: [email protected]