As baptized Christians, we have a vocation and are called by God to do something special, to be someone special. Some are called to the religious life while others are called to be husbands, wives, parents, or to live a single life. Through prayer and reflection and talking with others we will be able to know God's call and live out the Gospel in service to others.
As Catholics we need to know about the ordained priests and religious men and women who serve for these reasons: so that we can appreciate what they do; so that we may be reminded to show active support; and so that we might consider the ordained priesthood or religious life for ourselves.
Christ spoke of the talents each one of us has, talents which must not be buried. Our calling is to take those talents, develop them fully, and then use them in establishing His kingdom on earth. Are you using your talents to fulfill your vocation to service? Are you an active Christian in your parish, at your workplace, and in your home? Take some time today to reflect on how you might use your special talents in the service of the Kingdom of God.
For more information about how your can say informed about Vocation Awareness, please contact John Chomistek.
God, the source of creation and love, You invite each of us to serve you through the life which is your gift.
May your grace encourage
men and women to heights of holiness through service to the church as priests, sisters, brothers, and lay ministers.
Make me an instrument to encourage others to give of themselves and challenge me to do the same.