Love God, Embrace All People, Share the Gospel Joyfully!
Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church welcomes you as we strive to live our Parish Mission Statement of "Love God, Embrace All People, and Share the Gospel Joyfully." At OLA, we are a close community that welcomes everyone to worship and celebrate the sacraments together. We encourage the formation of friendships and inclusion into the parish life through participation in liturgical, social, and outreach activities.
Recognizing that many members of our parish live in the area for a short period, we help them feel that Our Lady of Angels is their home during their time here. All members of the parish, from youngest to oldest, will find a place to serve and to be served.
Parishioners of all ages learn to know, love, and serve the Lord. We minister to the emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical needs of our community from conception through death. We provide active outreach and social justice programs.
Newcomers are invited to register with us. Once you membership is processed, a member of our Welcome Committee will be in contact with you. We invite you to sign-up for our daily and weekly emails through Flocknote. Each day includes daily Mass and information of interest. The mid-week and Saturday emails include upcoming events and information. I sign-up link can be found on the top right-hand section of this page.
If you would like more informationor would like to speak with someone, please contact our parish.
Contact us at: (469) 467-9669 (469) 467-0114 fax
Flocknote Signup
History of OLA Interview
Listen to the KATH 910 radio interview with Deacon Mike and Betty Picard about the history of Our Lady of Angels. Click Here!