An initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Whether you are married, engaged or dating For Your Marriage offers insights and strategies to help enrich your relationship. For Your Marriage features topics on Dating & Engaged, Parenting & Family, For Every Marriage, Marriage Resource Center, and About Catholic Marriage. Sign up for a monthly newsletter or check out their News & Blog section.
Take a fresh look at your marriage. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends could be the weekend for the two of you to reconnect and take a fresh look at your marriage. It is an experience guided by couples and a priest who help you to rediscover your dreams, rekindle your romance and become more aware of God's desire for your marriage. Away from distractions of everyday life, each couple has the time to focus on each other, and learn new ways of communicating more effectively in a private, positive atmosphere. All marriages need effort and nurturing! WWME provides an opportunity for you and your spouse to explore your relationship together and find ways to make it stronger and more fulfilling for a lifetime -- blessings that spill over to your family, friends, and parish community.
For couples with marriages in need of healing, this program provides a weekend experience where they can reconnect and put their marriages in order again.