Bella House Donations
Huge Thank-You OLA Parishioners
On October 7/8 the OLA parishioners overwhelmingly donated to the Bella House Fill the Crib Drive. We were able to donate to the Plano Bella House the following items: 37 packages of 2,400+ diapers, 65 packages of 6,500+ wipes. 65 onesies or outfits, 15 pairs of socks & 1 pair of shoes, 15 toiletry items, 1 Pack ‘n Play & 1 baby rocker, 2 mattress pads & 6 crib sheets, 1 set of bumper pads, 5 baby blankets from OLA Shawl Ministry, 9 blankets, 6 quilts from Threads quilting group at Hunter’s Glen Baptist Church, 2 bath towels & 6 wash cloths, 3 toys, 3 bibs & formula, 1 boppy, 4 cleaning supply items, and 8 gift baskets, each containing a variety of baby items. In addition to the items monetary donations included $500 from OLA Fullness of Life Ministry and $533 in cash, checks, and gift cards.
Bella House is a faith-based residence for homeless, pregnant women. Bella House offers a safe haven where enriching programs inspire transformation and brighter futures for mothers and their children.
Our Lady of Angels has partnered with Bella House to offer assistance and volunteers. If you are would like additional information about Bellas House visit:
Contact: Sheila Tullier
Email: [email protected]